
Medina County Seeds is a Texas native tree, shrub, cactus/succulent seed supplier. All species are Texas natives that have been harvested from Texas.                                                                                                                                                                  Wholesale nurseries and growers contact Jake @ 830-426-9911 for wholesale pricing. 

One of the best strategies to have successful plants in a successful landscape, is to plant native species that have been harvested or grown locally with local genetics. When your plants are native they are adapted to local soils, pests, temperatures, weather patterns ect...If your landscape consist of native species with local genetics, the chances of those specimens thriving and staying healthy is dramatically increased. Planting species that are native also increases habitat for native insects and mammals, while reducing the risk of introduced pest as result of planting non native species that act as hosts. 
M.C. Seeds is dedicated to providing Texas growers, gardeners, and enthusiast with quality, Texas harvested seed. All items listed on this site are what is currently available. Below is a full list of species provided. this list is always getting longer so please don't hesitate to contact us if you cannot find what you are looking for!

Botanical name 
 Acacia berlandieri, Acacia farnensiana,  Acacia gregii, Acacia rigidula, Acacia roemeriana, Acacia schaffneri, Aesculus glabra,  Agave americana, Bauhinia lunaroides, Berberis trifoliolata,Caesalpinia pulcherima,Cassia lindheimeriana,Castela erecta spp. texana, Celtis laevigata,Celtis pallida, Celtis reticulata, Cercidium texanum, Cercis mexicana, Cercis texensis, Chilopsis linearis,Colubrina texensis, Condalia hookeri,Cordia boissieri, Cupressus arizonica,Cylindropuntia lepcaulis,Dasylirion texanum,Diospyros texana, Ehretia anacua, Eysenhardtia texana, Forestiera reticulata, Fallugia paradoxa, Gleditsia triacanthos, Guaiacum angustifolium, Hamatocactus bicolor, Hesperaloe parvifolia, Juglans microcarpa,Juglans Nigra, Juniperus ashei,Juniperus virginiana, Larrea tridentata,Magnolia grandiflora, Manfreda maculosa, Mimosa texana, Morus rubra,Opuntia engelmannii, Platanus occidentalis, Platanus mexicana, Prosopsis glandulosa,Prosopsis pubescens, Prunus Mexicana,Ptelea trifoliata,Quercus buckleyi,Quercus laceyi,Quercus macrocarpa,Quercus marilandica,Quercus muhelenbergii, Quercus virginiana, Rhus aromatica,Rhus lanceolata,Rhus microphylla,Rhus virens,Robinia pseudoacacia,Sabal mexicana, Sapindus saponaria, Schaefferia cuneifolia, Sesbania drummondii, Sideroxylon lanuginosum, Sophora affinis, Sophora secundaflora,Taxodium distichum,Taxodium mucronatum,Ulmus crassifolia, Ungnadia speciosa, Vitis mustangensis,Vitex Agnus-castes, Washingtonia filifera, Washingtonia robusta, Yucca Constricta,Yucca Faxoniana, Zanthoxylem hursitum,Ziziphus obtusifolia

common name respectively 
Guajillo, Huisache,Catclaw Acacia, Black brush Acacia, Roundflower catclaw, Twisted Acacia, Texas Buckeye/yellow, Century Plant,Anacacho Orchid, Agarita, Mex. Bird Of Paradise, Velvet Leaf Senna, Goatbush,Sugar Hackberry, Desert Hackberry, Net leaf Hackberry, Palo Verde, Mexican Redbud,Texas Redbud,Desert willow, Texas Hogplum,Brazilwood, Mexican Olive, Arizona Cypress,Tasajillo, Texas Soto,lTexas Persimmon, Texas Kidneywood, Netleaf forestiera, Apache Plume, Honey Locust, Guayacan, Twisted Hedgehog cactus, Red Yucca, Little Walnut, Black Walnut, Ashe Juniper, Eastern Red Cedar ,Creosote Bush ,Southern Magnolia, Texas Tuberose, Texas Mimosa,Red Mulberry, Texas Prickly Pear, American Sycamore, Mexican Sycamore, Texas Honey Mesquite,Screwbean Mesquite, Mexican Plum, Wafer Ash,Fragrant Sumac,Flame leaf Sumac, Desert Sumac,Evergreen sumac, Texas Red Oak, Lacey Oak,Bur Oak, Blackjack Oak, Chinquipin Oak, Live Oak,  Black Locus,tTexas Sabal Palm, Western Soapberry,Desert Youpon, Rattlebush,Gum Bumelia, Eves Necklace, Texas Mountain Laurel, Bald Cypress, Montezuma Cypress, Cedar Elm, Mexican Buckeye, Mustang Grape, Vitex, Desert Fan Palm, Mexican Fan Palm, Buckleys Yucca, Spanish Dagger, Texas Prickley Ash,Crown of Thorns/Lotebush

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